Sunday, September 9, 2007

Liveblogging the VMAs: Hour 2

KT (9:35:54 PM): are all these live performances really necessary?
Brian (9:36:01 PM): ooh, adam looks like a leather daddy
M (9:36:05 PM): adam levine has got to stop
M (9:36:19 PM): hahah love how they cut the performance
KT (9:36:26 PM): did you hear how adam levine nailed maria sharapova and said she was really bad in bed
M (9:36:26 PM): stupidity
KT (9:36:29 PM): liek a dead fish
M (9:36:53 PM): i bet he was the bad one
Brian (9:37:46 PM): MTV is dead to me. Yet they still pay my bills.
KT (9:38:02 PM): haha
KT (9:38:05 PM): yeah i feel bad knocking on mtv so much right now whilst i sit with a roomfull of employees
KT (9:38:07 PM): oh well
Brian (9:42:26 PM): rosario dawson is too good for this show
M (9:42:27 PM): oy
M (9:42:37 PM): i am so goddamn bored
KT (9:43:07 PM): is chris brown the wild'n'out dude?
Brian (9:43:45 PM): ok, now this is cool.
KT (9:43:55 PM): yes this is the type of performance i'm talkin about
Brian (9:44:18 PM): i feel like chris brown is totally the jesus of this show.
M (9:44:24 PM): more lip synching
M (9:44:25 PM): fabulous
M (9:44:38 PM): but a somewhat decent performance
KT (9:44:42 PM): yeah that is sad when a guy who i barely have heard of with a crappy song is the best thing on this show
M (9:44:47 PM): agreed
Brian (9:45:19 PM): i want one of this light table thingies
Brian (9:45:22 PM): *these
KT (9:45:51 PM): ohh this is why beyonce couldn't get through, cuz these giant table things were in her way
Brian (9:46:20 PM): ok, the show should have started with this.
KT (9:46:21 PM): i really like this song
M (9:46:30 PM): what a set of legs, u go girl
M (9:46:34 PM): even ashanti likes it
M (9:46:54 PM): u heard she is starting her own line of umbrellas, right?
KT (9:47:11 PM): hahaha seriously?
M (9:47:23 PM): MJ cover??
M (9:47:24 PM): oh no
KT (9:47:34 PM): oh wow, bring on the crotch grabbing
Brian (9:47:38 PM): chris brown is not worthy.
M (9:47:40 PM): take it off!
KT (9:47:53 PM) has left the room.
KT (9:50:08 PM) has been invited.
KT (9:50:16 PM) has entered the room.
KT (9:51:34 PM): uhh, i'm back i think
KT (9:51:41 PM): hello?
M (9:51:52 PM): hi
M (9:51:55 PM): we all fell asleep!
KT (9:52:14 PM): it's understandable
KT (9:53:04 PM): wow, not only is the show bad, they are promoting bad other shows during the breaks
M (9:53:29 PM): what is this crap?
KT (9:53:33 PM): i do not know
M (9:53:39 PM): kanye, i expected more
Brian (9:53:45 PM): werd up.
KT (9:53:58 PM): imma barf all over the tv
M (9:55:18 PM): the friggin hills girls
M (9:55:22 PM): it can get worse!!
KT (9:55:25 PM): ugh, reality tv stars are terrible
Brian (9:55:29 PM): mtv's #1 show! ugh.
KT (9:55:34 PM): why do we have to see these lameasses from the hills
M (9:55:42 PM): ok male artist of th year, i'm intrigured
KT (9:55:53 PM) has left the room.
M (9:56:14 PM): JUSTIN! COME ON.
KT (9:56:14 PM) has been invited.
M (9:56:19 PM): or kanye. my picks
Brian (9:56:21 PM): seriously. it was totes a justin year.
Brian (9:56:30 PM): yay!
M (9:56:31 PM): dur, JT
M (9:56:39 PM): here comes timbaland
M (9:56:52 PM): they'd make a cute couple
Brian (9:57:06 PM): haha. what do you mean "they would"
M (9:57:33 PM): justin, shut up
M (9:58:02 PM): doin it and doin it and doin it well!
M (9:59:34 PM): poor lighting, poor camera shots
M (10:00:31 PM): k i back
KT (10:01:32 PM) has been invited.
KT (10:01:56 PM) has entered the room.
KT (10:01:59 PM): hooray
M (10:03:53 PM): this must end soon
M (10:03:56 PM): i'm gonna yawn
KT (10:03:57 PM): alright kids, one more hour to go
M (10:04:03 PM): i think 2 no?
M (10:04:08 PM): they have lots of awards left
Brian (10:04:17 PM): nah, it's over at 11
KT (10:04:33 PM): 3 awards in 60 minutes, what's up with that
M (10:04:42 PM): oh ok phew!
M (10:05:03 PM): i think there are only 7 or 8 total
Brian (10:05:19 PM): i wish JT was on team kanye instead of 50
M (10:05:32 PM): me too, sigh.
M (10:06:26 PM): ooh female artist, come on amy!!!
KT (10:06:29 PM): shia seems to have issues reading
KT (10:06:52 PM): oh i hope nelly furtado or rhianna get this one
KT (10:06:55 PM): not fergie
JK (10:06:56 PM): Indiana Jones and The Crystal Skull?
JK (10:07:00 PM): Is that real?
KT (10:07:08 PM): and i think it would be bad for winehouse to win
M (10:07:08 PM): if it's fergie...
KT (10:07:19 PM): what
KT (10:07:19 PM): WHAT?
KT (10:07:24 PM): are we serious?
M (10:07:26 PM): fergalicious, so delicious
M (10:07:31 PM): i think so
KT (10:07:33 PM): fergalicious buys you a VMA these days?
KT (10:07:35 PM): ugh
KT (10:07:35 PM): wow
M (10:07:44 PM): wow ludacris doesnt even want fergie's cuties
KT (10:07:51 PM): i think shia labeouf is a better female artists of the year than fergie
M (10:07:59 PM): pam anderson looks fine
M (10:08:01 PM): i'm shocked
KT (10:08:20 PM): um pamela anderson is... um, a little cracked out?
KT (10:08:22 PM): or something
Brian (10:08:40 PM): or old and senile.
M (10:08:45 PM): kanye has a white mic
M (10:08:56 PM): like barbra steisand
KT (10:08:59 PM): i just dont understand what is going on
KT (10:09:06 PM): i need another beer
KT (10:09:07 PM): or 8
M (10:09:27 PM): i thought she did a fine job! better than britney
M (10:09:30 PM): leave pam alone
KT (10:10:28 PM): yaaaawn
Brian (10:10:52 PM): we need more of those planned and choreographed dance numbers and less of these house party ones
M (10:10:54 PM): this is not doing anything for the genius that is 'graduation'
KT (10:11:59 PM): ooooh guys from entourage are coming up next
KT (10:12:07 PM): that makes me happy
M (10:13:09 PM): me too

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